miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017


If anyone asks me what I think about elections, wow what a media circus. a bunch of politicians lying to everyone telling they will represent us and fight for us and so many other things. I’m gonna vote? of course its my civil right and duty we can completely change the way things get done. politicians are just puppets of the banks and huge company owners and these people use them to have the constitutional protection of their power and money. I have participated in politics since I was in 1st grade in high school when I assumed as Vice-president of the student center, position that lasted until I graduated from high school and I learned that with transparency, honesty and hard work you can really make a change and achieve the unity in the student body. I think that a politician is useless (talking about politics in these times) what the people really need is a leader that will listen and not have only the willingness to work together with the community instead he/she must encourage this discussion spaces, and he or she will never attack with violence and power abuse to their own people like the politicians do in Chile. I think that a new kind of politics is possible with collective work and a lot of love for the humble wish of the well being of the entire population.

5 comentarios:

  1. I thnk that you have reason about the "media circus"... This is so sad and wrong

  2. I'm really agree with you. It is our work to change the things!

  3. I think that a new kind of politics is possible too, only with our own work <3


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