miércoles, 28 de junio de 2017

Getting closer and closer

At the beginning of this semester I wasn't very happy with the fact that I had to assist to English classes, not because I don't like English as a matter of fact I really like it and, actually I consider myself good at it since I’m really young you know. But, Since the very first class that I assisted, I felt really comfortable, I know I’m not the perfect student but in here I think that I’m learning better than a regular and boring class, this aspect I recognize that Miss Rosa is the guilty one cause in one hand she is really pro at the language but more important than that, in the other hand she gets us not like other regular teachers, she really cares about us and our efficient learning. 
Outside the classroom I use a lot of English especially with my brother cause we really like the language and we get the jokes and everything so it's quite fun screaming at each other things like "DUDE" (that’s how we call each other). But the thing that makes me love English is to be able to understand it fluently, so for me is really easy to understand the lyrics, and you should know I really like to sing and I use a lot of my ability to sing in both languages English and Spanish.
I really want to learn 2 more languages one of them is French and the other one is the Sign language. And I wish that I could be able to choose as teacher as awesome as my English teacher

miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017


I'm thinking about going to the south of Chile, specifically to Niebla in Valdivia with my best friends, they are both named Cristobal so I call them by their last names. We were thinking about going on there on winter holidays because we really love cold weather, we would stay at one of my friends' uncle´s house who is really young almost like us he is the youngest brother of my friend's mom, so we know we'll have a really nice time there. We are going there because we want to make music, so we know that in Niebla we will find inspiration, and at the same time lot of fun. We are going to juggle in the traffic lights and the squares to earn money if we need it so in terms of how prepared we are economically we are just fine. 
We thought about this trip while we were chatting drinking beer, and we really love the idea and we are almost ready to go, the only fact is that we don't know yet who will have to do final exams, and we want to be there for about 3 weeks or something like that. I and my 2 friends are studying really hard to get exempted of the Final Exams so we can have more days of vacations and enjoy the hell of these holidays. The title of the so called album that we are going to make while we are there in Niebla is called "Mist of Shadows" but it’s only an idea it could change in the trip obviously.
Resultado de imagen para niebla valdivia

Peer review In the first read we can appreciate that the article is well structured and has a concept precision and specification allowin...